Menu Planning Monday 2015-06-01

6:00:00 AM

Happy Menu Planning Monday!! I'm having a hard time believing it's June, and almost the end of school for my oldest. This school year seems to have flown by. But it's getting obvious that the weather is heating up. This past Sunday I worked on some popsicle and crockpot recipes that I'll be sharing with you soon--perfect for keeping cool in the heat of summer!

Here's the plan for the week:

Monday: Apple Sausage Bean Hash (didn't have it Sunday), Cantaloupe, Salad, Bread

Tuesday: Barbecue Chicken Pizza, Grapes

Wednesday: Leftover pork tenderloin, Roast Broccoli, Bread

Thursday: Leftovers
Friday: Hamburgers on the grill, Salad
Saturday: Chicken nuggets, fruit, and french fries
Sunday: Tacos with hidden veggies, apples, carrots

What are you eating this week?
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