Best Projects and Recipes from 2014

3:43:00 PM

Is it really possible that we are at the end of 2014? I feel like this year has really flown by. I guess with my kids more active and out and about, and with my out of the house work picking up again (finally!!!), I guess it's just the way life is.

But here at Architecture of a Mom, things have been pretty awesome, too, and I wanted to share with you what I felt was the top projects of the year. Some of these were fan favorites, but some of them were just ones that I had too much fun doing not to share again!

So, in no particular order, here are the top posts of 2014 for Architecture of a Mom:

Photo Transfer Ceramic Ornaments

I love how this ornament turned out, and so did you! By far, this was the fan favorite. It was also a family fave...I made three for my mom--one for each of her kid's kids.

Iced Pumpkin Latte

I finally figured out how to make my own Iced Pumpkin Latte, which actually has pumpkin in it--unlike some places that sell a similar beverage

How to Gild Acorns

I think I see some more gilding in my future--this was so, so easy!

Italian Chicken Roll Up

This amazing dinner recipe was a fan favorite, for sure!

Sweet Spiced Pecan Brittle

Although I was intimidated by trying my hand at candy making, I truly enjoyed making this1

Darth Vader Mug

This mug I made for my hubby was a lot of fun to make--I love etching!

Mango Banana Popsicles

Apparently, popsicles are very popular--this all fruit pop was a big hit!

No Sew Ribbon Embellished Tutus

My little girls wanted to be princesses for their birthdays, and these tutus helped make their day extra special!

Parmesan Chive Crusted Tilapia

This easy recipe has become a regular part of our weeknight repertoire.

Curlicue Dresser

I worked hard to refinish a huge triple dresser for my eldest. It went from being dark and scary to light and perfect for her room!

What did you accomplish in 2014? Any big plans for 2015?

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I love to party! Sometimes I link up my posts to Serenity Now, Organizing JunkieTidy Mom and these link parties! You should come party with me and check out some awesome new bloggers!

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