Menu Planning Monday 2015-12-14
2:30:00 AM
Can I be real with you? Good. Last week, the meal plan fell apart. I was working on a big deadline for my "day" job. I was also coming down with a cold that I still have. My husband left Monday for a business trip, came home late on Tuesday, and then had another early morning to late night business trip on Wednesday. He then worked late on Thursday and I went to a Christmas program for my eldest on Friday. The weeknights were all survival mode, trying to get food into my kids and get homework done before I collapsed with my cold. But this week is a new week, so hopefully we're back on track with a new menu for the week. That's what so great about meal planning - you get to start new as often as you need to!
Here's the plan for the week:
Monday: Steak Quesadillas (using leftover Flank Steak), Salad
Tuesday: Kickin' Chickin Salad (basically chicken tenders that I grill on the stove top with salad)
Wednesday: Chicken Fried Rice
Thursday: Crockpot Beef Stew, Salad
Saturday: Leftovers
Sunday: Naan Mexican Pizza, Fruit

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