Pearl & Glitter Feather Ornaments (with Washi Tape!)

6:00:00 AM

Earlier this week, I used mod podge  pearl to redo a lamp in my house. I loved the look of this formula of mod podge so much that I decided to make some lovely washi tape feather ornaments for my Christmas tree! These are really so simple to make, but really lovely and definitely on trend - it combines feathers, washi tape, glitter, and pearly sheen into lovely Christmas ornaments!!

Here's what you need to make them:

Florist wire and wire cutters to cut it to length
Needle Nose Pliers
Washi Tape
Mod Podge Pearl
Paint Brush

I was inspired to make these feathers from Amy Anderson's Washi Tape Crafts. First, cut your wire to length - around 6 inches long. Then use your needle nose pliers to bend one end into a loop. 

Use washi tape to make a feather according to the instructions in Washi Tape Crafts, using your scissors to shape.  

Brush mod podge pearl on one side of the feathers; allow to dry. Repeat on the other side. 

Spread more mod podge on the tip of the feather at an angle and sprinkle with glitter; allow to dry. Repeat on the other side. 

Use a ribbon to hang up on your Christmas tree!


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