Craft Supplies You Do Have #31days #createwkids
5:30:00 AM
If you are just starting out being creative, you may think you don't have any supplies. But if you have a child in school, most likely have school supplies that double as craft supplies:
Paper (colored and blank)--you could even make origami!
Colored Pencils
But what else can you use? You need to think outside the box sometimes. Here are some items that you should have around the house, regardless of the age of your child:
Onion skins, beets, and berries can make paint
Food coloring
Anything with texture--make rubbings!
Toilet paper rolls or paper towel rolls make great sculptures and stamps
Buttons, yarn, string
Flour (to make play dough)
Fabric scraps or old clothing (my girls can play for hours with a piece of fabric)
Tiles or other architectural samples (my girls use tiles for hours of pretend play)
Sea shells
All kinds of "junk" know, upcycle!
What something unusual that you've used to be creative--or something your kids have used?
P.S. Want to see more of this 31 Days Challenge? Check out all the 31 Days of Creating with Kids!
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