Menu Planning Monday 2016-04-04

7:06:00 PM

Hello all! I'm so sorry that I was MIA last week! It's been very crazy between my job as an architect and some pretty significant illness rolling through the kids while my husband was out of town. All of that together and I felt that my family was better served by my spending time with them rather than DIYing or spending loads of time on my computer. But I truly missed menu planning and DIYing and talking to all of you!! 

Here's the plan for the week:

Monday: Ham & Cheese Calzones with Mushrooms and Peppers
Tuesday: Tacos with hidden veggies, Fruit

Wednesday: Crockpot Chili with Cocoa, Rolls

Thursday: Parmesan Pepper Sausage Pasta

Friday: Parmesan Chive Tilapia, Salad, Bread, Sweet Potatoes

Saturday: Leftovers
Sunday: Hamburgers on the grill, Fruit

What are you eating this week?

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I love to party! Sometimes I link up my posts to Serenity Now, Organizing JunkieTidy Mom and these link parties! You should come party with me and check out some awesome new bloggers!

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