Menu Planning Monday 2015-02-09

7:12:00 PM

This is one of those weeks that I am happy I meal plan. We have several events and I am working towards another deadline at my architecture job. It feels good that one part of my week is under control.

Here's the plan for the week:

Monday: Chef Salads, Crusty Bread, Bananas
Tuesday: Hawaiian Chicken Sliders (leftover meat from this weekend), carrot sticks
Wednesday: Asian Sausage, Rice, Fruit

Thursday: Parmesan Chive Tilapia (didn't have it last week), Broccoli, Bread

Friday: We're having a special dance at daycare, so we'll probably do something simple like chicken nuggets & fruit
Saturday: Family birthday party for lunch, so we'll probably just do sandwiches for dinner
Sunday: My husband and I will celebrate Valentines with Steak, Roasted Potatoes, and Salad

What are you eating this week?

Architecture of a Mom Signature

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