Menu Planning Monday 2016-08-15
7:59:00 PM
Hi guys! I hope you're having a wonderful week! I'm pretty proud to say that my biggest achievement this weekend was to complete the school supply shopping extravaganza. We have over a week before the first of our kids go to school, so I'm viewing this as a huge victory. Especially since there seems to be a shortage of crayons in these parts. If you're still shopping, you might want to check out my master school supply list--it's bee super helpful for me as I juggle three shopping lists. And now it's time to make life easier for me in the last full week of summer.
Keep posted later this week when I'll share exactly *how* I do meal planning/menu planning. I can't believe I have been doing this for over 4 years and haven't shared the methodology!!
Here's the plan for the week:
Monday: Steak on the grill, corn, salad
Tuesday: Crockpot Chili with Cocoa, Rolls
Wednesday: Breakfast for Dinner, fruit
Thursday: Leftovers
Friday: Tacos with hidden veggies, Fruit
What are you eating