Fruity Recipes and A Little Bird Told Me Link Party 2016-08-03
12:01:00 AM
Howdy folks!! I don't know about you, but these days, fruit is part of virtually every meal and almost every course! It seems with so much fresh fruit in season, I just can't get enough. I know my kids can't seem to get their fill. I tell myself that it's good for them and the seasons will change soon enough and we won't be able to have all this fruit around the house! Here are a few recipes that I have found through the party recently that are fruit themed.
I've never thought of putting fruit into s'mores, but these Strawberry S'mores by Simply Stacie does just that...and I can't wait to try it! How fun!
You might not even know that avocados are a fruit, but they are. I can imagine that they make these Dark Chocolate Avocado Truffles by I Heart Vegetables super rich and decadent (and full of all that heart-healthy fat!)
Recently, several friends and coworkers have been making Homemade Lemon Bars...and now, thanks to Quirky Inspired, I have a recipe to make my own batch.
Ok, so when I first saw this Watermelon Cake, I just thought it just looked like a watermelon - which is still pretty cool. But Partifetti actually includes watermelon puree in the recipe. We can actually count this as a fruit, right?
I've always been a fan of roasted fruit - it's easy, and tastes fantastic. A Roasted Peach Sundae by Homegrown Healthy is just up my alley!\
And if you're in the mood for fruit as a main course, you should try outPink Rose Co's Pineapple Chicken recipe - I'm pretty sure we'll be adding it to our repetoire!
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And now, I want to feature you! Please join me and my bloggy friends and link up your best projects! See here for the rules - promise that they are super simple!
These lovely ladies join forces with me once a week to feature you!
Tanya | The Natural Homeschool | Facebook | Twitter | Instagram | Pinterest
Jennifer | The Life of Jennifer Dawn | Facebook | Twitter | Instagram | Pinterest
Vanessa | Mama's Happy Hive | Facebook | Twitter | Instagram | Pinterest
Sandy | Pink Tool Girl | Facebook | Twitter | Instagram | Pinterest
Rachel | Architecture of a Mom | Facebook | Twitter | Instagram | Pinterest
Here's the party - link up!