Personalizing Kids Stuff without Names

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Does anyone else have issues with putting their kids' names on stuff where strangers can see them? I do. I really don't mind personalizing their stuff--and honestly, with 3 little girls, I have a lot of pink stuff that needs labels to keep the fighting to a minimum. But I really don't want people I don't know being able to call my kids by name (not that the twins don't ask all kinds of random people their names and volunteer their own...but that's a different story. But I've come up with an easy solution that works perfectly for our kids: put an animal on it.

So when I bought 3 matching sketch books for them that looked like this, I knew that I would simply put an animal on it so that my kids would know without a shadow of a doubt whose sketch book they had.
It actually was very simple once I broke out my silhouette portrait!

I found some simple animal shapes online and used the trace function in the Silhouette software to get the outline of each animal: an elephant, a lion and a swan.

Then I cut the animals out of outdoor vinyl with my silhouette portrait and weeded out the image. The outdoor vinyl was important because I wanted the image to be as permanent as possible on the sketchbook...that's important when you have kids.

Then all you have to do is press the vinyl onto the sketchbook, and all of a sudden, the sketchbooks are easily distinguishable without shouting my kids' names to the random people we meet on vacation when they are sketching.

Want to Check Out More Silhouette Projects?

My Silhouette Challenge buddies and I are all sharing projects for kids on our blogs today, so peruse the projects below for a wealth of Silhouette inspiration!

DVD Case Coloring KitPersonalizing Kids Stuff without Names"Tiny Dancer" Dance BagDIY Future Mr. Darcy OnesieExtraCared for OnesieDIY Burp Cloths with AppliquesAdorable DIY Baby Onesies!DIY 3D SpongeBob InvitationsPersonalized Potty Chair & Potty Training Targets: Ready, Aim, FIRE!baby gift ideas using your Silhouette Machine
1. unOriginal Mom // 2. Architecture of a Mom // 3. Crafty Bonds // 4. Simply Kelly Designs // 5. Weekend Craft // 6. Cutesy Crafts // 7. DIYJustCuz // 8. My Paper Craze // 9. Where The Smiles Have Been // 10. From Whine to Whine


Architecture of a Mom Signature

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