Menu Planning Monday 2014-05-05
7:11:00 PM
Happy Monday! Does it seem like as soon as May arrives life gets crazy? We've had festivals, field trips and other events with school, and unfortunately, we have a funeral this week (that only the hubby is able to attend). So with all this craziness I'm going to plan a very simple menu for this week. I really can't handle anything else.
So here's the plan:
Monday: Hot dogs, fruit, and carrots
Tuesday: Parmesan Chive Tilapia, Broccoli, and Fruit
Wednesday: Breakfast for Dinner
Friday: Hamburgers on the Grill, Juiced up Carrots
Saturday: Chicken and Veggie Kabobs, Italian Spice Dinner Rolls
Sunday: Leftovers
What are you planning to eat this week to keep the schedule under control?
I love to party! Sometimes I link up my posts to Organizing Junkie, Tidy Mom and these link parties! You should come party with me and check out some awesome new bloggers!