Menu Planning Monday 2012-04-30
6:00:00 AM
Well, it's been a long week. Out of the three kids, only one has slept well, and she's been fighting the reactions to a immunization. And when the kiddos don't sleep well, mommy and daddy don't sleep well, which sometimes leads to interesting choices for dinner. We managed to follow the menu somewhat, but considering the amount of sleep, I'll just take what I can get!!
Here's the plan for the coming week:
Monday: Asian Sausage
Tuesday: Leftover Sweet Potato Casserole from the weekend and Chicken Nuggets
Wednesday: Breakfast for Dinner (eggs with veggies inside--yum!)
Thursday: Chicken Tacos and Apples
Friday: Green Beans and Pork Chops
Saturday: Leftovers or family time--we're going to the NICU reunion in the morning, so we'll have to see how tired we are.
Sunday: Group Bible Study.

Sometimes I link up at the following places: FridayFood atMomTrends, Slightly IndulgentTuesdays at Simply Sugar and Gluten Free, Hooking up with Houseof Hepworths, The Finer Thingsand I Dream of Clean’s Spring CleaningChallenge, The King's Court IV's What's Cooking Wednesdays and Organizing Junkie's Menu Planning Monday.