June Makeover Challenge - My Living Room

6:00:00 AM

Today, I don't have pretty pictures for you. I want to share with you what I've been working on the last couple of weeks--at least, the before pictures. If you recall, I remade my office in January as part of Thrift Diving's January Junk-Free Challenge. I'm pleased to announce that I'm participating again with her June Makeover Challenge!!

I've ambitiously decided to remake my kitchen/living combo. There's really no way to redo one without the other because of the open-concept plan in this area of my house. So without further ado, this is what my living room looked like before I started this challenge (you'll have to excuse the phone photos):

Clutter everywhere and furniture shoved against the wall, with no real place to focus the eye:

 Curtains hung too low and off white paint.

 The living room was more of a pass through than a place for family to live.

A hole in the ceiling from the old light fixture and no overhead light in the kitchen!

So here's the list of things that I'm going to accomplish here...and a few items that have already been done:

  • Paint the two rooms. We're going to go with a soft warm gray from Sherwin Williams called Requisite Gray. (Done!)
  • Install recessed lights in the kitchen (Done!)
  • Paint/repair the ceiling--includes fixing an issue on the second floor
  • Declutter both rooms (Started)
  • Create new artwork for both rooms using items we already have (At least 3-4 items)
  • Rearrange the living room to make it a destination instead of a pass-through. (Done!)
  • Make the fireplace wall a feature wall
  • Hang the curtains up higher to make the ceiling seem higher and the windows seem larger

I'm not sure I'll be able to get all of this done, but I'm sure going to try to do it all by mid-July! Stay tuned!!

Architecture of a Mom Signature

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