Menu Planning Monday 2015-05-18
5:05:00 PM
Hello my friends! I think most of my readers either have a long weekend this weekend (Canada) or next weekend (USA) you have any plans? My husband and I are planning to (finally) paint our living room/kitchen and I am so excited! We might even get some overhead lights in the kitchen....hooray!!! But having the kitchen torn apart will inform kitchen plans for the we shall see.
So here's the plan for meals for the week:
Monday: Chicken parmesan sandwiches, Salad, Strawberries
Tuesday: Crockpot Asian Beef Soup, Bread, Strawberries
Wednesday: Tacos with hidden veggies, apples, carrots
Thursday: Breakfast for Dinner, Fruit
Friday: Barbecue Chicken Pizza, Snowpeas (from our garden)
Sunday: Steaks on the grill, Nacho Roasted Potatoes salad, rolls
What are you eating this week?

I love to party! Sometimes I link up my posts to Serenity Now, Organizing Junkie, Tidy Mom and these link parties! You should come party with me and check out some awesome new bloggers!