Faux Gold Leaf Letter with Aluminum Foil
5:00:00 AM
It took me a while to get on the gold band wagon, but now I am completely there! I recently made this faux gold leaf letter for my monogram wall (that I'm still working on!) and shared it over at My Favorite Finds, but I had to share it with you here, in case you missed it!
While researching how to make a metal look letter, I ran across this tutorial by Ucreate to make metallic letters. The only issue...I wanted gold letters! (I mean, I love silver still, too, but that wasn't the look I was going for!) So I modified the technique to get me the gold look I wanted. You need mod podge, gold craft paint, a chip board letter, a paint brush, and aluminum foil.
First, mix the paint and mod podge at a ratio of about 2:1 (I just eyeballed it). Then, paint a small area with the mod podge mixture, then press a small piece of foil on top of the mod podge. Press down and then paint mod podge on top of it. You may need to kind of emboss it a little with the handle of your paint brush to make sure it stays down well.
Keep going painting and pressing the foil. Make sure and be consistent which side of the foil is showing. I wanted an old uneven look so I went with the dull side, but you could easily use the shiny side.
Once the letter is done, let it dry and then put another coat of the Mod Podge and paint mixture. Keep putting on layers of the mixture until you reach the color saturation that you want.
And that's it!! I love my rustic letter.

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