A Confession #31days #Createwkids
8:29:00 AM
We're about 60% of the way through the 31 Days Challenge, but I wanted to let all of you know straight up: I've missed the last couple of days of posting on purpose. I've realized over the last week or so that it is just not realistic for me to post every day. This month has been full of fun posts, but it has also been full of my whole family not feeling well, lots of work at my full time job, and all the typical commitments that I have. I just can't keep posting every day; it's just not realistic.
I have never posted as often as I have over the last few weeks, and it's been loads of fun. I also still have a few posts that I want to share with you about creating with kids.
I just wanted to let you know that this will not be an everyday affair, but I definitely will be giving you some more ideas!
Thanks for stopping by and checking out all these posts!!
I love to party! Sometimes I link up my posts to Organizing Junkie, Tidy Mom and these link parties! You should come party with me and check out some awesome new bloggers!