Peanut Butter Sweet Potatoes

8:06:00 PM

This recipe has a rather random backstory. But it is a super simple recipe. Your sweet potatoes will never be the same again!

Peanut Butter Sweet Potatoes Closeup

A long time ago, back before I met my husband, I lived with 2 sweet and awesome women. My roommates and I decided that we were super busy gals, but that we wanted to be intentional about building up our relationship as friends, as well. So we decided to make every Monday evening "roommate night." We took turns cooking dinner for the three of us and then prayed for each other and for different countries in the world.

I was thinking about that time in my life this weekend, and about the broad type of food that we ate. You see, all three of us had spent at least some time outside of the US (and one of us had grown up in Indonesia) so we had no fears about trying new cuisine. It was during that time in my life that I really began to stretch my wings and try all kinds of cooking. Anyway, this past weekend I was thinking specifically about a "groundnut stew" that one of my roommates had made during that time. And in case you were wondering, in Africa, groundnuts are what we call peanuts. This stew had many other things in it...I don't even remember all the ingredients!...but one of the other main ingredients was sweet potatoes.

I really started craving this combination of flavors this weekend, and we were having roasted sweet potatoes as a side on Easter. So I just went with it and combined sweet potatoes and peanut butter in a simple side...and if you like peanut butter, you will not go back to the traditional brown sugar and butter sweet potatoes again! Seriously, this is simple but truly dresses up a simple side.

Peanut Butter Sweet Potatoes (serves 4)
4 Sweet potatoes (1 per person)
 3-4 tsp creamy peanut butter (about 3/4- 1 tsp per potato)

Bake sweet potatoes at 375 for 60 minutes or until done. Slice open potatoes. Fluff insides of potatoes, then add 3/4-1 tsp of peanut butter to each potato. Mix well within the skin. Serve.

Peanut Butter Sweet Potatoes


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  1. Long story but I make all my grandsons baby food. He loves sweet potatoes which I usually mix with turkey. He's not allergic to peanut butter, great protein, new dinner!

  2. This is so different, looks so yummy!

    I'm stoppin' by from the blog hop and just wanted to let you know that I liked your facebook page! Feel free to stop by and pay me a visit :o)


  3. Coming your way from The CSI Project. I came to check out some of your crafts, but this stopped me in my tracks! Now how could that not be good? I can't believe someone didn't think of this a long time ago. So simple and the flavors sound like they would be great together! I cannot wait to try this! Thank you!

  4. I LOVE peanut butter and I have a sweet potato sitting right on my counter! I may be trying this tonight! Stopping in from SITS!

  5. Really??? Must try this one.

  6. I thinking to do that combo, right now. Thanks, lol

  7. I love this idea! One of my favorite quick easy meals (actually more of a dessert)--they are also excellent with almond butter, pecan butter & (my FAVORITE) coconut butter :-) ...found you at "slightly indulgent tues"

  8. I'm SO pinning this to try later. thanks for sharing!

  9. I pinned this! YUM My name is Cindy and I blog over at I wanted to invite you to link up your recipe and any others at our Gluten Free Fridays Recipe Link up party! It happens every Friday and we'd love to have you join us with some of your awesome recipes! It doesn't mean that you have to be a gluten free bloggers. If you have some recipes on your blog that are gluten free that counts! :) Many recipes are naturally gluten free.
    Also be sure to link up your blog on our Gluten Free Bloggers directory. You can reach the directory by clicking the "glutenfree bloggers" tab on our blog! Thanks, Cindy :)
