Menu Planning Monday 2013-01-28
4:58:00 PM
This weekend has been rough. One of the twins woke us up Wednesday night with a high fever. She was fine Thursday and Friday, but early Saturday morning, she woke up with a lower fever. She staid home with her daddy while I took my other two to a birthday party, and she was irritable and clingy the whole time. Then, later that afternoon, she was complaining of her ear hurting. Uh, oh. Yup, we got confirmation this morning that she indeed has a ear infection...actually, a double ear infection. Thank goodness for antibiotics and little girls who like to take medicine. We've actually had issues with the other twin being jealous of the medicine her sister is taking!
Anyway, I'm trying to drum up the energy to think about next week's dinners, and I'm struggling to even think about tonight's dinner. But I know that's what we need--a plan. So here's what I'm thinking:
Monday: Meatballs and Green Beans and Spinach Salad
Tuesday: Chicken Fried Rice
Wednesday: Crock Pot Chili
Thursday: Hot Dogs and Fruit
Friday: Bacon & Spinach Quiche, Fruit
Saturday: Dinner with family--the husband has an all day event with my brother-in-law, so I imagine we're going to have dinner together
Sunday: Chili Burritos

Sometimes I link up at the following places: 504 Main, A Diamond in the Stuff, AKA Design, Alderberry Hill, At the Picket Fence, Beyond the Picket Fence, Blessed with Grace, Cherished Bliss, Classy Clutter, C.R.A.F.T., Craft-o-maniac, Crafty Scrappy Happy, Eat at Home, Finding Fabulous, Gingersnap Crafts, Glued to My Crafts, Home Stories A to Z, House of Hepworths, I Heart Naptime, It's So Very Cheri, Lil Luna, Lines Across, Live Laugh Rowe, Made in a Day, Not Just a Housewife, One Creative Mommy, Organizing Junkie, Positively Splendid, Semi Homemade Mom, Serenity Now, Simply Sugar and Gluten Free, Six Sisters Stuff, So I Married a Craft Blogger, So You Think You're Crafty, Someday Crafts, Sugarbee Crafts, Tatertots & Jello, The 36th Avenue, The Finer Things in Life, The Frugal Girls, The Grant Life, The Shabby Nest, Tidy Mom, Today's Creative Blog, Uncommon Designs, and Under the Table and Dreaming.
Looks delicious!