Goals for the New Year--2013

5:00:00 AM

I considered sharing with you some of my top posts of 2012, but then I realized that I already have…over at Ginger Snap Crafts, where I shared some of my favorite posts…which happen to be some of yours, as well. So if you want to know what the fave projects/recipes of 2012 was, go check out my guest post...please?

So instead, I thought I’d share some of my blogging and project goals with you. Some of you will not really care, but honestly, this is a little bit of a selfish post. If I share with you my goals, I am hoping that you will keep me accountable. And when I accomplish these goals, it gives me an opportunity to celebrate with you! Yay!

House/Craft Goals:

Reorganize the toy/play area to be toddler friendly
We have several toys that the twins want to use in our bonus room, but because there are older kid toys in the same area  (choking hazards, more breakable items, craft supplies), we aren’t letting them in that area. We need to purge old toys, and sort through what they will be allowed to use versus toys that are only for Lil Bit right now, and possibly rearrange the room so that everyone can have a happy play time. (We already started this process!)

Paint the living room
I keep saying I want this room painted, which also leads to having the kitchen painted. Hopefully this will happen this year.

Create a banquette and table in our breakfast nook
We have the money from our garage sale this past fall that I want to dedicate to building a banquette from kitchen cabinets and buying a table. I can’t wait for this one—I don’t want to eat every meal in the dining room!

Do new flooring in the Dining Room
The twins have done a number on the carpet in there. Who decided carpet in a dining room was a good idea?

Create a kid craft station
I really want to purge some of the coloring books that Lil Bit has & organize all of her craft supplies. This way, it is less involved to set up and clean up a project! It is also a part of the "reorganize play area to be toddler friendly" project.

Redo the office
This is a really, really big project. We have a lot of junk in here, and it’s really not a nice work space…more of a dumping ground. See?

Pity it’s one of the first spaces people see when they come through the front door. I really want to make a special effort to tackle some of these projects to bring this room up to par: remake my desk, brighten it up (color and lighting), add some fun accessories, cat litter camouflage, storage...the list keeps going.

Finish some “in progress” craft projects
This includes a blanket for Lil Bit, a scarf I’m working on, a scarf my hubby wants, the list goes on. I’m sure it will get longer before it gets shorter.

Blogging Goals:

Get my own url
I feel that this will make me look a little bit more professional, and it makes me feel a little less like some crazy lady someone let loose on the internet, and more like a real-life blogger.

Do more guest posts/have some guest bloggers
I have found some awesome folks who share great projects, recipes, and all-around wonderful writing. I want to learn from them…and share them with you. So I’m hoping that this year you will see some unfamiliar faces here…and see me in some different blogging venues!

Do some sponsored posts
I want to do some sponsored posts for 2 reasons: to learn about new products to hopefully spur on my creativity, and to make a little extra to help fuel this blogging/crafting/cooking habit I have.

Build a community of readers and bloggers
I want to learn more about you! And I want to learn how to create a better environment from my peers…other bloggers. Any ideas that you might have about this would be greatly appreciated!!

So, what are your goals for the new year? Do you have any DIY, crafty, or bloggy goals?

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  1. I look forward to seeing your New projects over the coming year
