Friday Fun--on Saturday (Yard Sale Edition)

7:30:00 PM

So...yeah. It's Saturday. And I'm posting "Friday Fun"

And I've been sorting, tagging, and selling stuff. Lots of stuff.

My sister's family and mine just did a yard sale this morning. It was crazy! Thus the reason for the very late "Friday" Fun post. We had to get everything set up, and then sell, and then recover. We did great! I see a kitchen banquette building project and table in our future...and you'll see it when it happens--promise!

On another note, the twins had their 18 month appointment. Our little girls were 2 months early and spent the first year of their lives either below the growth curve or only at the first percentile in weight. Well, my girls have spent the last 6 month eating a lot. Like they each ate more than me many evenings for dinner. I can say that I have had a preview on what the teen years will look like. Anyway, now they are in the 25 percentile! So if you have a preemie and you feel like they will never catch up, don't give up hope--they just might!

Have a great weekend!

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  1. Never had any luck with yard sells...having them, not buying things. Stopping over from SITS.

  2. So glad your yard sale was a success! I live out in the country, so I have to find a friend with a better location if I want to sell anything :) Can't wait to see what you make :)
