Friday Fun: Are you ready for some football?

7:34:00 AM

This year, I let my coworkers rope me into a fantasy football team. My husband has been doing multiple teams for years, but this is my first year doing this. I have to admit, I am enjoying it. So far, I am 1-1. My team isn’t spectacular, but I guess it’s doing ok. I just think it’s fun trying something new, and since I’m watching football anyway on the weekend, it’s nice to have a little more investment in it.

My girls love the game. I think it’s because daddy loves it so much, and Lil Bit loves what we love right now. (Can I bottle that and bring it out when she’s 14?) And the twins love it because they’re at the stage when any ball is fun.

What do my girls and fantasy football have to do with one another? Well, I did name my team after my girls: The Powder Puff Princesses. And this picture illustrates why that name is so appropriate:

I promise, this picture was 100% not posed! For those of you with no little girls, those dolls are Ariel and Belle of Disney Princess Fame.

Have a great weekend, ya’ll!

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