Happy 4th!
9:37:00 AM
Be safe with your fireworks, and remember most pets are not a fan of those loud noises...
Thank a soldier and say a prayer for those serving overseas and at home to keep us free and safe. If you don't know someone, pray for the families of this group of Air National Guardsmen who were killed and injured in a C-130 crash in South Dakota earlier this week. This hits home for us, as one of the men who died is my friend's brother-in-law. He is a true American hero! He left 4 small children and a loving wife behind, and they are in our prayers this Independence Day!
Happy Birthday America! God Bless the USA!

Sometimes I link up at the following places: 413 Sparrow Lane, 504 Main, A Little Tipsy, Blessed with Grace, Crafty Scrappy Happy, Eat at Home, Finding Fabulous, Gingersnap Crafts, House of Hepworths, How to Nest for Less, It's Overflowing, Made in a Day, MomTrends, Not Just a Housewife, Organizing Junkie, Positively Splendid, Simply Sugar and Gluten Free, Six Sisters Stuff, Sugarbee Crafts, Tidy Mom, The Finer Things and I Dream of Clean’s Spring Cleaning Challenge, The King's Court IV, and The Finer Things in Life.