Happy Father's Day!
8:52:00 AM
Happy Father's Day to all the dads I know!
But in particular, Happy Father's Day to the following wonderful men:
First of all, to my Dad! He taught me to work hard and to strive for the absolute best I could do. He also taught me that the most serious of people need to be silly sometimes, too.
Next, to my Father-in-law Jim! He has welcomed me into his family and heart, and I have never felt unwelcome at their home. We can't wait until you get here in a few weeks.
Finally, to my husband! He is a great daddy--and a great teammate. It's definitely been a roller coaster the past couple of years, but I wouldn't have ridden this ride with anyone else. I asked my oldest what she loved most about her daddy and she said, "his hugs."
I hope that everyone has a wonderful day--relax, take some time to do something you love, and surround yourself with your family. All of you guys deserve it!

Sometimes I link up at the following places: 413 Sparrow Lane, 504 Main, A Little Tipsy, Crafty Scrappy Happy, Eat at Home, Finding Fabulous, House of Hepworths, How to Nest for Less, MomTrends, Not Just a Housewife, Organizing Junkie, Positively Splendid, Simply Sugar and Gluten Free, Six Sisters Stuff, Sugarbee Crafts, Tidy Mom, The Finer Things and I Dream of Clean’s Spring Cleaning Challenge, The King's Court IV, and The Finer Things in Life.