Friday Fun: Why I choose to be Frugal & Choosing Contentment

12:00:00 PM

It’s been a while since I posted about frugality. So, as part of Friday Fun, I wanted to post part of why I believe in living a frugal life, and share some encouragement I found this week.

Earlier this week, I received my Compassion magazine. What’s that? It’s a magazine put out by Compassion International, detailing some of the things that the money I donate to them helps to pay.

If you don’t know what Compassion International is, basically, it is a Christ-centered charity that combats child poverty around the world in a long term approach. Not only does the little girl that I sponsor receive food and other necessities, but she gets to go to school to develop an education that should better her life in the long term. We are also encouraged to develop a relationship with her through letters and pictures from the time we started sponsoring her (she was 4 when we started) until university. I feel like I have another child on the other side of the world. This is what the Compassion website says about their programs:

Sponsor a Child — At Compassion we take a committed, long-term approach to fighting child poverty. Our Holistic Child Development Model is made up of four comprehensive programs investing in children from the beginning of their lives until they’ve reached adulthood, and covering everything from prenatal care to university-level education.

Our one-to-one Child Sponsorship Program allows you to personally connect with a specific child and build a life-changing relationship. When you sponsor a child, you have the opportunity to influence that child during adolescence, one of the most pivotal developmental periods.

Three additional programs round out the Child Development Model. Our Child Survival Program ministers to mothers and babies during the critical first years of life. Our Leadership Development Program champions promising young adults to continue their education and develop their leadership abilities. Our Complementary Interventions address a variety of additional needs that complete the other programs.

This program costs less than $40 a month. Part of the reason for my family living frugally is to give us the freedom to help others. Even when my husband lost his job, we were able to afford to keep sponsoring our Compassion child. I encourage you to look into this program. You can afford to help them out. Even if you don’t feel like you can commit to that amount, you can always give a one-time gift, too. They are not a fly-by-night program—they are a member of the EFCA and the Better Business Bureau. I encourage you to check it out.

Anyway, like I said at the beginning of this rambling post, I received my magazine from Compassion. As I was paging through the magazine, I saw Crystal of Moneysaving Mom fame! I knew that she was involved with Compassion, but I wasn’t expecting to see her there! It’s always cool to find another blogger in an unexpected place. Her article was about cultivating contentment.  And I got to thinking that I needed to cultivate contentment. When something kind of crummy happens, I have two choices: I can grumble and fuss, or I can choose contentment. So here are a few things that happened this week, and the ways I can choose (to TRY!) to be content with my lot….and view these things as blessings:

One: My husband had a crazy week at work, with long hours, leaving me to be basically a single working mom every evening. Choosing to be content: Instead of complaining, I choose to do the best I can with parenting, and feel blessed that he has a job when so many people do not, and that he was able to find a job 3 years ago when he lost his job in the middle of the recession. (FYI if you’re wondering why the posts have been light on the crafting side this week, that’s why—I had my hands full without my husband!)

Two: I had my annual review at work this week. It went about as well as can be expected—we are still digging out of the recession. Choosing to be content: I have a job. Architecture has truly suffered for the last four years. My firm is literally half the size that it was before the recession. I know of firms that did not survive. (Just a FYI—I make it a policy not to complain about my job here. We all have bad days at work, and I do not share this as a complaint!) I am truly blessed to be able to say that I have worked at my office for 12 years.

Three: One of the twins is running a fever. Again. No daycare for her today. Choosing to be content: after a miscarriage and a high risk pregnancy, I am blessed to have 3 healthy, normal little girls. I am pretty sure that fever is just teething—it’s a low grade fever. So hopefully it’s nothing serious. I am blessed to have family in town, and my mom looked after her this morning while I was at work.  And even better: when my girls aren’t feeling well, they want to snuggle. I’ll take my snuggles where I can get them!

So even the struggles can be a part of the family fun. And I find that when I have a good attitude and choose to be content, the rest of my family is more likely to follow suit!

I would love to hear how you cultivate contentment! 

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  1. I've been trying to keep a gratitude journal. I had forgotten it for awhile, but your post reminded me of it. Thanks! :)
