Spring Cleaning Challenge: Laundry Room
8:57:00 PM

I think that this week is going to be almost completely a results week
for the kitchen/laundry room Spring Cleaning Challenge. I want it all done for
Easter this weekend and then next weekend is going to be the big first birthday
celebration for the twins. I have some awesome decoration ideas that I am
hoping to get to share with you for that. But first, we have to get the Spring
Cleaning Challenge done. If you recall, this is what the area looked
like before, and I made progress in my “extra” pantry (also known as pantry #2)
in this post. Next up is the closet that the builder called the laundry room. This is what it looked like before:
- Hang up and fold all clothing
- Organize all cleaning items. Organize all laundry items.
- Wipe down all surfaces
- Pull out washer and dryer & clean the floor
- Clean out the dryer vent
Here’s what I’ve accomplished:
- Hang up and fold all clothing
- Organize all cleaning items. Organize all laundry items.
Unlike the pantries, there wasn’t too much purging here. I did get rid
of a can of oven cleaner that I’m not sure when I bought it. Since we have a
self-cleaning oven, I’m not sure why we had them in the first place. We have
tubs to keep cleaning and laundry tools and supplies—here they all are:
I have each labeled with what goes in each container. I switched it up
a bit and put all the cleaning supplies I use all the time into the blue tub.
- Wipe down all surfaces
- Pull out washer and dryer & clean the floor
- Clean out the dryer vent
This was surprisingly easy with a brush that my sister lent me. I guess
that with a super short run to the outside, we just don’t clog up that much. I
was thinking I had a huge fire hazard in there, so I was relieved to find out
that we didn’t.
Here is the resulting beautiful laundry room. Hopefully it can stay
this way for more than a week….I can dream, right?

Sometimes I link up at the following places: Friday
Food at
MomTrends, Slightly Indulgent
Tuesdays at Simply Sugar and Gluten Free, Hooking up with House
of Hepworths, The Finer Things
and I Dream of Clean’s Spring Cleaning
Challenge, The King's Court IV's What's Cooking Wednesdays and Organizing Junkie's Menu Planning Monday.