Antiqued Mirror Monogram Wreath
6:00:00 AM
I had several alternate titles for this post on antique mirror monogram wreath. Sometimes it's so hard to choose. I was so tempted...sometimes it's the hardest yet funnest part of blogging...
I really liked "Disco Chicken Inspired Monogram" (It's a local landmark.) But my husband, who has lived in the area for over 15 years, didn't know what I was talking about.
Then I considered, "How to Put a Square Tile on a Round Wreath."
Or even "You Have to Break Some Mirrors to Make a Wreath."
What do you think? Did I take the safe way out? Any way you call it, this monogram wreath looks amazing on my front door. It's fascinating how you can't even tell that the mirrors are broken halfway down my drive! And I love how it catches your eye and draws you onto my porch.
It's welcoming without using the word...and now, would you like to know how I made it?
I got this monogram wreath on clearance.
I knew it would be great for our home decor! I painted it with 1 coat of chalky finish paint (light gray). I allowed it to dry while I did the next step.
I was given a whole pack of sample antiqued mirror tiles. The only problem was that they were all slightly different colors and patterns.
So really, they were useless to try to use together whole. I took 3 tiles that were almost the same color and placed them in a heavy plastic bag. Then I put on protective eye goggles and gloves, took up my hammer...and smashed the living daylights out of them. I highly recommend that you do this outside, since there is no telling where little shards of mirror will go, even if you do all kinds of precautions.
With my gloves still on, I carefully did a dry fit of all the little pieces on the monogram to find the best fit.
Then, I just used my hot glue gun to stick each piece on, piece by piece.
I love how it sparkles in the sun! I'm not really big into disco, but I love how it turned out!