How to Sew A Business Card Holder

6:00:00 AM

Did you know that it's conference season in bloggiverse? It is...actually, I'm not sure there are many seasons that aren't conference season! But anyway, after getting my feet wet a couple of years ago at  one day blog conference just a few minutes from my house (Bloggy Boot Camp), I'm going to Haven, which is a 3 day conference in Atlanta, Georgia next month! I simply cannot wait, but at the same time, I'm scared to death. I'm an introvert at heart—a real homebody--and the thought of going away from my family for 3 days scares me too. So what's a girl to do? Overprepare, I say! I've been working on loads of lists for packing and things I want to do, but one thing that I really wanted that I didn't have on hand was a custom business card holder. My old business card holder I've had for about 15 years, and it's really showing its age—and besides, it didn't scream blogger – it screamed 1990's corporate America. So I decided to make my own.

I started with a tutorial from The Crafty Cupboard (), but when I went to gather supplies, I ran into a snag: I couldn't find fusible fleece at my local craft supply store. So I improvised. Instead of using fusible fleece, I used spray applied heat set adhesive (for quilting) and a lightweight white flannel. 

This tutorial is based on the one from the Crafty Cupboard, but adapted to use the supplied I could find.

Here's what you need for this project:

2 fabric pieces cut 5 1/2” x 4 1/2” (one will be lining, one the outside). You can do the same fabric for both, or different fabric to mix things up)
2 fabric pieces cut 2 1/2” x 4 1/2” (These are your pockets)
1 white flannel piece cut 5 1/2” x 4 1/2”
Spray applied heat set adhesive
Small pony tail holder
Fun buttons
Coordinating Thread
Sewing machine

First, take your 2 pieces of fabric that will be your pockets (2 1/2” x 4 1/2”) and fold a 1/4 hem down one long side and press. Fold down the hem again and press so you now have a double hem.

Top-stitch the hem (I used an 1/8 seam). Place the two pocket pieces that you just hemmed on top of the fabric that will be your lining piece so that the raw edges line up. All of the fabric should be face up. Baste these pieces together using a 1/8" seam allowance.

Spray the heat set adhesive onto the back of  your outside piece. Allow to dry.

Iron (fusible side down) onto the white flannel piece and then pin the outside piece to the lining piece, right sides together.

Spray the back side of the inside liner fabric with heat set adhesive. On one of the 4 1/2" ends of the "fabric sandwich" you've made, insert the pony tail holder between the lining and the outside piece. The shorter the piece of the pony tail holder you can see, the longer the loop will be on the outside when the piece is finished.

Leaving a space for turning, sew around the whole perimeter with a 1/4" seam allowance. Keep in mind that you should take your time at the pony tail holder so that your seam doesn't go wonky (also so you don't break a needle!). Clip your corners at 45 degree angles so the corners are sharp and professional looking when you turn the piece right-side out.

Turn the piece right side out. A chopstick works pretty well to get the corners looking good!

Iron the piece, making sure to turn in the edges of your turning opening. This also allows the second round of spray fusible webbing to hold down the outside fabric to your flannel, and holds together all the layers of your "fabric sandwich."

Top stitch around the entire case. This will close your opening.

Place your button and sew on. All of the sudden, you're ready for networking at a conference! 

So tell me, are you going to Haven? I'd love to meet up with you...and swap business cards!

Architecture of a Mom Signature

I love to party! Sometimes I link up my posts to Serenity Now, Organizing JunkieTidy Mom and these link parties! You should come party with me and check out some awesome new bloggers!

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