Double Cherry Tea Popsicles - 2 Ingredients
5:30:00 AM
I think we've established that I love simple ice pop recipes. I love how you can get a whole serving of fruit into "dessert" without anyone being the wiser. And I love how many options you have in the summer time with all the fruit that is season! And what says summer more than cherries? I love these double cherry popsicles!
This recipe is super easy. The hardest part is pitting the cherries! You will love how the cherry herbal tea compliments the fresh sweet cherries!
1 cup fresh brewed cherry flavored herbal tea (brew 1 bag according to directions)
1 pound sweet fresh cherries
Brew your tea and allow to cool while pitting cherries. While the tea steeps, pit your cherries. Puree cherries and tea together in a blender or food processor.
Pour puree into a popsicle mold. This recipe makes 10 popsicles. Freeze overnight. And...that's it!
Enjoy a sweet, healthy dessert!

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