Menu Planning Monday

3:05:00 PM

Has the holiday craziness hit your household yet? I hope that you are able to take the time to enjoy the Christmas season, the joy and peace and special moments. I have found that menu planning can be a huge part of finding peace in my crazy life. The other part of battling the craziness of the season: keep it as simple and as flexible as possible.

Here's the plan for this week:

Monday: Chicken Caesar Salad, Bread, Fruit
Tuesday: Pizza Rolls

Wednesday:  Grilled Cheese Sandwiches, Carrots, Apples
Thursday: Leftover Crockpot Chili

Friday: Pasta and Salad
Saturday: Birthday Meal with Flank Steak Sous Vide, Salad, Corn, and Rosemary Roasted Potatoes With Garlicky Sour Cream

Sunday: Leftovers

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