DIY Izzy Costume -- Pixie Dust Bag #31days #createwkids

5:30:00 AM

Do you love pixie dust?

We certainly do! Tinkerbell movies or Jake and the Neverland girls are all about anything about pixie dust. Random items around the house become pixie dust for my two-year-olds at a moment's notice. I have to draw the line when they throw corn at dinner time and yell, "Pixie dust!"

So I guess it's no surprise that when I suggested Lil Bit be Izzy from Jake and the Neverland pirates with her pouch of pixie dust for Halloween, all three of them wanted to be her. And yes, I'm not above letting all three of them be the same character for Halloween--it makes it easier for this mama! Now, granted, each girl's costume will be a little different....but I'll have 3 little pirate girls in a week.

The key for doing this costume on the cheap is to use what you have on hand, and look for inexpensive ways to upcycle.

Basically, Izzy has a pink shirt, purple pants, boots, a pink bandanna, and a pixie dust pouch. We already had the shirt, pants, and boots on hand.

I made the three bandannas by taking a extra large bandanna and cutting it in half diagonally, then in half again.

Then I took a bleach pen and drew the pattern that is on Izzy's headscarf.

It bled a little, but Lil Bit loves it.

The pixie dust pouch was a little more involved. I took some scrap fabric I had on hand. I cut them into two pieces, each about 5" x 6".

I then sewed up the sides and bottom, leaving about 1" on each side unstitched. I used about a quarter inch seam allowance. I clipped the two bottom corners.

I pressed the seam, and then turned the top down to create a casing and pressed it.

I sewed the top of each side  to create the casing. You want to allow enough space so that you can get your cord through the casing.

Then, all you need to do is thread the cord through and tie it off, long enough to go over a child's head.

And that's it! Pixie Dust away!

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