Friday Fun: Vacation + Conference + Contest = Crazy Time!

5:00:00 AM

This is where I've been…where I'm at…and where I’m going this week!

Last week, we went to Disney World. We had a lot of fun. My girls loved riding the rides and making friends with fairies, princesses, and random creatures. And when I say random creatures, I’m not just talking about Mickey Mouse and Winnie-the-Pooh. My eldest managed to pet a wild squirrel that was hanging out on Main Street in Magic Kingdom. Yes, really! Unfortunately, a vacation to Disney World isn’t exactly the most restful…even if it is magical! We wanted to hit as much as possible without wearing everyone out completely. If you have the opportunity to go to  a Disney Park, you can check out the things we discovered as we were travelling with our crew.

I came back knowing that I was going to have a crazy week at work (which I have). And then I have been ramping up to my very first blog conference this weekend: Bloggy Boot Camp

(image credit: Bloggy Boot Camp)

I am super excited and super nervous at the same time. I am introverted, folks. Why on earth did I sign up for a conference? Hmm, I guess because my desire to learn trumped my fear of meeting new people. So if you’re going to the Bloggy Boot Camp in Charlotte this weekend, I’d love to hear about it! I’ll feel like I’ve met you, before I’ve actually physically “met” you and then I won’t be nervous—much. And if you have any (very last minute) pointers for a conference newbie, please share! I have business cards and a media kit. Any other items that I should bring? Anything to do while at the conference?

Finally, out of the blue, I found out that I am a finalist in Amy’s One Artsy Contest!

Which means that over the next few weeks, I need to produce a material themed project in just a few days. Yikes! I obviously didn’t take it seriously that I might be selected as a finalist when I submitted a project. But seriously, go by her blog Monday morning and vote for your fave projects…and hopefully my project is one of them!

So, although this isn't your typical "Friday Fun," I hope that if you see me over the next couple of days, you will understand why I look a teensy bit frantic!

Architecture of a Mom Signature

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