A Day in the Life

5:00:00 AM

Instead of posting about the cute things that the kids do, I thought I’d introduce you to a typical day in the life of an architect/blogger/mom…me. So get ready for a wordy post. J

Have you ever wondered what it looks like to blog?

Well, keep in mind, I work full time.

As in, I work as an architect, in an office, full time. You may think you have an idea about what it takes to be an architect. You may think of Mr Brady in the Brady Bunch, or maybe Tom Hanks in Sleepless in Seattle. Or maybe, if your television/movie time seems to be limited to kid shows, you think of Olivia’s (yes, the pig) dad...And all of those are wrong. Very few architects are rich. Very few architects get to design whatever they want, with budget being no object. Very few architects live in a house they designed. Just wanted to get that out there. It’s a difficult profession to get into (architecture school is really rough, folks). Then, after a few years of working, you have to take a test that is expensive...all so you are officially and architect. But it is a job that lets me design, and I’m proud to call myself an architect. I just want you to have a realistic idea of what it means to be an architect.

Anyway, this is what a typical day of a blogger/architect/mom/wife looks like:

My alarm goes off at 5:15. My husband gets up and takes a shower. I roll out of bed at 5:35 and check my email and blog posts for 15 minutes. Then I get up the kids and get their clothes changed. My husband feeds them breakfast while I hop in the shower. I get ready in about 20 minutes, shower and all. Low maintenance gal…why yes I am! We gather up lunches and head off to daycare. My husband and I only work a few blocks apart, so we typically drive together, and we almost always drop off the kids together. Carpooling not only saves money, it gives us a chance to have little mini-dates throughout the week!

After the kiddos get their hugs and kisses, if my husband and I are carpooling, I read to him while he drives. We have read the Hunger Games Trilogy, and we love The Wheel of Time series, which we are finishing up. Yep, we are fantasy and sci-fi nerds. And we are proud of it.

I get to work a little after 7. I work all morning. Recently, I've been designing family entertainment centers, but I've had the opportunity to work on cool buildings like churches and fire stations, too.

At lunch, I work on writing blog posts, editing blog posts, replying to comments, and reading other blogs. I can usually churn out the text of at least one blog post in my lunch.

Then I work on architecture until 5. We read a little more of our book on the way to pick up the girls from daycare, and then the real fun begins.

I cook dinner, usually with little ones under foot and pulling on my pants leg. Many times, we have at least 1 temper tantrum. That, my friends, is why I meal plan. If I have to think about what to cook….well, it doesn’t happen. If dinner is going on the blog, I take pictures while my husband dishes up the food for everyone else. We try to be done with dinner by 7, and keep the food throwing to a minimum. Yes, I am the mother to two toddlers. I give you the floor in my dining room as proof. But I love my girls and husband!

Family photo
Not a Typical Day in my Life
The twins go to bed between 7 and 7:30, and we spend a little bit of time with Lil Bit before she goes to bed at 8. Her favorite thing is learning activities on the iPad right now. We started learning about addition just the other day. We have our special routine for bedtime…And then it’s time to start going crazy with blog stuff. I also try to hang out with the husband, too. Link parties and photo editing tend to be the focus in the evenings, with some social media thrown into the mix. I have a specific list of link parties and when they are supposed to go live every day so I don’t spend all evening looking for places to link up. If it’s a slow evening online, I may be crafting while we watch TV (love crochet and knitting for the mindless crafting aspect!), but most of the craft production and photography happens on the weekend, when I have a little free time between activities and cleaning.

I go to bed around 10:30. I’m not a night owl…honestly, I’m not really a morning person…hmm, I think my prime time is 12-3 pm.

Anyway, that’s what a day in the life of an architect…blogger…mommy…wife looks like. In case you were wondering.

Architecture of a Mom Signature

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  1. Wow - what full days. I work at home and on my own schedule and honestly, it can be a disaster. Blogging is often after the kids are in bed. I'd love to have a more consistent schedule but it's tough while the youngest is still a baby. One day!

  2. Does your firm do any historic preservation work? My husband and I work in historic preservation and are lucky enough to work together. I love carpooling and eating lunch together every day. Especially because that's usually the only alone time we get!

  3. I read the Wheel of Time series years ago and LOVED it. Now that it's been completed by a different author, I'm thinking about starting again from the beginning just so I can read the last few books. The Sword of Truth series was also a great read :)

    Thanks for sharing your busy day!

  4. Yup. Pretty much sounds like my day! Busy and long! I feel you!
