Menu Planning Monday 2012-09-16
3:59:00 PM
Another week, and I for one am hoping that it will be an easy one. I'm fighting a cold, so although I've got a new recipe on the docket, I'm going for easy the rest of the week. Also, I'm getting a produce basket on Thursday, so I'm leaving the end of the week pretty open.
I'm so glad that the weather is getting cooler. It is nice to be able to have soup and fall squash in the recipes--this is one of my favorite times of year, and the sweet veggies (sweet potatoes, squash) are easy to get the kiddos to eat.
Monday: Squash, Sausage and Apple Hash
Tuesday: Honey Parmesan Pork (I froze half of the last recipe that I made--batch cooking at its best!)
Wednesday: Chicken Tortilla Soup with Sweet Potatoes
Thursday: Breakfast for Dinner
Saturday: Burgers on the Grill (gotta get those last grilling days in before it gets too cold!), Salad
Sunday: I'm going to leave this open, and see what kind of produce we get in our basket!
So, what are you cooking this week?

Sometimes I link up at the following places: 504 Main, AKA Design, A Little Tipsy, At the Picket Fence, Beyond the Picket Fence, Blessed with Grace, Candace Creations, Craft-o-maniac, Crafty Scrappy Happy, Eat at Home, Finding Fabulous, Gingersnap Crafts, House of Hepworths, How to Nest for Less, I Heart Naptime, Lil Luna, Live Laugh Rowe, Made in a Day, MomTrends, Not Just a Housewife, One Creative Mommy, Organizing Junkie, Positively Splendid, Simply Sugar and Gluten Free, Six Sisters Stuff, Sugarbee Crafts, The Finer Things and I Dream of Clean’s Spring Cleaning Challenge, Tatertots & Jello, The Finer Things in Life, The Grant Life, The King's Court IV, Tidy Mom, Unrefined By Design, Under the Table and Dreaming and Vintage Wanna Bee.