Menu Planning Monday 2012-04-22
7:53:00 AM
This past week's menus were thrown for a little loop when both twins started having tummy problems. We had to go super bland for them for a couple of days, but I think we're back on track. I'm looking forward to another produce basket tomorrow, and hopefully there will be no more sickness in the house!
Here is the new menu:
Monday: Sesame Chicken (Kashi's finest, yes I do cheat sometimes)
Tuesday: Salad with Honey Pecan Chicken
Wednesday: Pancakes and fruit
Thursday: Crockpot Chili and fruit
Friday: Pork Chops, Veggies, and Applesauce
Saturday: hanging out with friends!
Sunday: we'll see what opportunities arise--there's always leftovers.

Sometimes I link up at the following places: Friday
Food at
MomTrends, Slightly Indulgent
Tuesdays at Simply Sugar and Gluten Free, Hooking up with House
of Hepworths, The Finer Things
and I Dream of Clean’s Spring Cleaning
Challenge, The King's Court IV's What's Cooking Wednesdays and Organizing Junkie's Menu Planning Monday.